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Again, from history we find that "the nations of European stock" behaved in the same way wherever they went. This, in fact, should not surprise us, considering that they sang from the same hymnbook and read from the same bible. To feel secure in Canada, the Europeans wiped out the native population and took the land.

To feel secure in Australia, the Europeans wiped out the native population and took the land. [...] To feel secure in South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe, the Europeans wiped out a good chunk of the native population and took the land.

Elsewhere in Africa, thanks to the mosquitoes, the Europeans failed to wipe us out physically, but succeeded in wiping us mentally, destroying our culture, identity, religion, thought system, names, etc... to the extent that today the "sophisticated" or " civilised" African is the one who behaves more like the European. [...] In the recent years, the insecurity complex has manifested itself in "the nations of European stock" (now calling themselves "the international community") effectively telling the rest of the world that they alone, or their few anointed friends, have the right to manufacture and hold weapons of mass destruction.

If anybody outside their circle dares to do the same, his country becomes a "rogue state" or "axis of evil", deserving to be threatened, or attacked, militarily and economically.

[...] President George W.Bush, explaining why America has to attack Iraq [...] for "trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction" said: "We owe it to the future of civilisation not to allow the world's worst leaders to blackmail freedom-loving nations with the world's worst weapons".


New African, September 2002, Baffour Ankomah, page 9

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