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Oral Bac 2012 G1-G2
Wearing the proper attire for your workplace can make the difference in success or failure. It might seem unfair but a well-dressed, polished employee tends to convey knowledge, know-how and a sincere interest in going places, while a disheveled worker gives the impression of being a disinterested, marginal performer, industry expert agree.

Although dress codes vary from one work setting to another, many women agree that a few elements remain constant when it comes to presenting a clean, confident appearance in the workplace. Everyone expects your dress to be polished, well-made and unobtrusive. And it is paramount that powerful women dress powerfully. When they are in a meeting, they wear business suits because they want people to listen and respect them. Therefore, it's important for them to have an attire, from head to toe, that lends some authority to them as a person, so that the words that come out of their mouth match the look that they want to project. It is crucial that their wardrobe projects an image of power and professionalism.

Selecting the right clothes for work is important at every level, but especially at the entry levels, many expert say". In certain jobs, if you're starting out at the bottom
of the ladder and you have the possibility to climb, clotting is particularly important because people are going to judge you just as much on how well you present yourself as they judge your job performance. That's unfortunate, but that's the case. Even in work settings where uniforms are required, an overall appearance is important.

However, no matter what you choose for the office, experts say that professional women need to be careful not to draw the wrong type of attention by wearing inappropriate clothing that is too tight, too short or too revealing.

Putting your best face and best look forward can boost your confidence and, quite possibly, your career.

Adapted from EBONY sept 1996

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