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"Researchers have discovered that chocolate produces some of the same reactions in the brain as marijuana...The researchers also discovered other similarities between the two, but can't remember what they are." Matt Lauer on NBC's Today show, August 22.

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In May 1998, the UN Economic Commission for Africa (EGA) proposed some strategic actions for reducing gender disparities and promoting the empowerment of women in Africa. The following are summaries.

Including a gender perspective in national accounts and other data: The non-market economy, which includes domestic and personal services produced by women, must be quantified and taken into account. The formulation and implementation of social and economic contribution in statistics and economic indicators will contribute to policy-making and planning and ultimately to women's improved social status.

The budget is the most important economic policy instrument of government and has the potential of transforming countries to meet the needs of the poorest. National budgetary allocations therefore should be made in accordance with the priorities of the National Action plans prepared in conformity with the recommendations of the Beijing Global Platform of Action.

Expanding women's opportunities for entrepreneurship through the promotion of an enabling environment: Given the current state of inequality in women's access to, and participation in economic processes and structures, the Beijing Platform for Action recommends that women's economic rights be secured through promotion of women's self-reliance, including access to employment and control over economic resources.

Promoting women's access to and ownership of land: Access to and ownership of land is a matter of justice and survival in Africa. For women, the constraints to access and ownership are more severe due to legal discrimination and cultural practices. Mechanisms are needed to ensure that, the rights of women to land are respected, assured and protected.

Adapted from “Africa Recovery, Briefing Paper”, n° 11, April 1998, p. 14.

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