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Exercise 12 (From Emile KAHOUN, Yadéga High School)

Exercise 1: Fill in the gap with "a" or "an"

1. There are ……elephant and ……hyena in the garden.
2.……horse is ……animal but …..ostrich is ……bird.
3. We have …… hour of English class today.
4. Is there……egg under……umbrella there?
5. Form I has got……English test and ……Maths test.
6. In …..year, there are fifty–two weeks.

Exercise 2: Turn these sentences into the interrogative

1.January and July have got thirty-one days.
2. The children haven’t got a ball.
3.My sister has got a nice pink dress.
4.Our house has got three rooms.

Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentences. Use the possessive case

1.The aunt of Mary is old……………………………………………………
2.The bedroom of my parents is large……………………………………..
3.The children of my uncle are fifteen……………………………………..
4.The ball of the boy is white and red………………………………………

Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with the right words

1.Miss Farida is my sister’s daughter. She is my………………………….
2.Johanna is my aunt. Her son is my……………………………………….
3.My brother Peter has got 7 sons. They are my…………………………..
4.Pusga is my father’s brother. He’s my…………………………………...
5.Davy is my parents’ son . He’s my………………………………………..
6.John is my mother’s father. He’s my……………………………………..
7.My mother’s sister is my…………………………………………………..
8.My mother’s daughter is Julie. She is my………………………………..

Exercise 5: Translate into English

1. L’alphabet anglais a vingt-six lettres.
2. La voiture de mon oncle est vieille.
3. Notre professeur de français est grand.
4. Nous n’avons pas de salle de bain.
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