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(Bac 2013 1er tour Séries A4-A5)
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Since 2000, microcredit institutions have been mushrooming in Africa, resulting in many success stories of poverty reduction among many women on the continent. It is hoped that, through campaigning for microcredit, more than 170 million vulnerable and disadvantaged women will be able to access credit for self-employment and other business services by the end of 2015.
Bac 2013 2ème tour Séries G1-G2-H
In rich countries, particularly in the United States and the European Union, farmers have justified farm subsidies for decades by pointing at low world prices for food and agricultural commodities. Without these public subsidies farmers claimed they would stop farming.
Bac 2013: Bureautique Secrétariat (B.S)
The production of cash crops by family farmers is an integral part of the development strategy of many developing nations. The commercialization of agriculture is encouraged by many institutions including the World Bank and experts. However, some critics contend that the production of cash crops takes resources away from food production for local consumption.
Bac 2013: Epreuve du 1er tour (Bureautique Comptabilité, Bureautique Secrétariat, TVC)
Bribery involves two parties, not one. Criticizing officials in poor countries for their sticky fingers is usually easier (and less open to legal challenge) than investigating those who corrupt them.
But on November 2nd Transparency International, a Berlin-based campaigning group, published an updated version of its Bribe Payers Index.
Martha was a very unlucky woman. She had been a pupil at St Monica's missionary school. Most of her schoolmates of those days had married young teachers. But Martha married a young carpenter.
News Corp claims the device, which can be used by both teachers and students, will transform teaching and learning.
A new tablet for the classroom has been unveiled by News Corp as the battle to capture the education technology market heats up.
The Android product, from Rupert Murdoch's education group Amplify, was shown at the South by Southwest (SXSW) conference in Austin, Texas.